This document outlines the final policy for the now End-of-Life (EOL) CloudKarafka service. As of the EOL date, no support or uptime guarantees are provided. The service remains billable until blackout.
As of the EOL date, CloudKarafka no longer commits to providing uptime, support, or service reliability. Billing will continue until the final blackout date, at which point the service will no longer be accessible.
CloudKarafka does not guarantee any uptime for the service. No credits or compensation will be provided for outages or interruptions.
Technical or non-technical support is no longer offered. Customers are advised to migrate their data and services to alternative platforms before the blackout date.
Customers are responsible for migrating their data before the service blackout date. No access to data will be possible after this date, and CloudKarafka will not provide assistance with migration.
Billing for the service will continue until the blackout date. Customers will be charged in full for the final billing period, regardless of service usage or availability.
CloudKarafka announced its EOL date one year ago. This document serves as the final update to our SLA, reflecting the termination of all guarantees and commitments. Thank you for using CloudKarafka.