
Available on CloudKarafka Dedicated

Logs are a critical part of any system, as they provide insight into what a system is doing and what happened and are essential in determining the root cause when something unexpected occurs.

CloudKarafka Log stream

CloudKarafka makes it easy to keep an eye on your cluster logs in real time. You can access your live log from the CloudKarafka control panel, found within the Monitoring - Logs section.

CloudKarafka Log Integrations

As your system grows to involve multiple hosts, managing all the logs can become complicated. Searching for errors across multiple servers is difficult without good tools. There are several good services for this. CloudKarafka offers integration with:

You can find all the CloudKarafka integration options under the Integrations tab in the control panel of your instances. Simply enter the URL/token and click the switch to get started.