Important Notice: CloudKarafka is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

News and tips

Schema Registry on CloudKarafka

Avoid getting lost in translation! Schema Registry is a widely used solution for managing the schemas of the data written to Kafka topics, ensuring that producers send data that consumers can read, even if the data changes.

Release of Apache Kafka 3.4.0

The launch of Apache Kafka 3.4.0 brought several new features to the table. The main focus of this release lies in the ability to monitor and adjust clustering settings, and CloudKarafka took some days to look into the details.

Get your Apache Kafka cluster with CloudKarafka's new flexible plan

One plan to rule them all! CloudKarafka has released a new flexible plan that outshines previous hosting options in flexibility. Running Apache Kafka has never been easier.

Price update - CloudKarafka gets a makeover

We have been very proud of the simplicity of the pricing model on CloudKarafka, with a fixed monthly price that includes every feature. However, this needs to change to keep up with modern cloud infrastructure.

Different types of scaling in Apache Kafka

Most big data projects will have to deal with scalability at some point, either to scale up or down. Apache Kafka connects the world of “big data” and offers different scaling capabilities.

A common Apache Kafka retention and segment size mistake

Having trouble with disc space? It can be due to retention and segment settings. It is vital to keep disk usage under control.

Apache Kafka replication factor – What's the perfect number?

Is there a "perfect number" to choose as Kafka's ultimate replication factor? The answer is it depends on your setup. However, to guarantee high availability, a few tips and tricks can help you along the way.

FAQ: What is the Kafka consumer offset

When a consumer wants to read data from Kafka, it will sequentially read all messages in a topic. A marker called a 'consumer offset' is recorded to keep track of what has already been read.

How to delete a Kafka topic

A Kafka topic is basically an 'entity' where messages are sent. It is essentially the only detail producers and consumers have to agree upon. Topics are not deleted by default; however, this blog post describes how to delete them.

Apache Kafka Security Update

A high severity security vulnerability has been identified in Apache Kafka >= 2.8.0, all users advised to update to latest patch release.