Important Notice: CloudKarafka is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

News and tips

End of Sales Announcement

End of Sales taking effect from May 1st, 2024

End of Life Announcement

The CloudKarafka team announces that CloudKarafka will discontinue its services.

Kafka ACLs and Authorization Explained

Kafka utilizes ACLs (Access Control Lists) to specify which users can access particular resources. In this blog post, we'll simplify and delve into the configuration details to make it more understandable.

Explaining Retention and Cleanup Policies in Apache Kafka

Efficiently managing disk space in your Apache Kafka Cluster is a fundamental aspect of maintaining performance and stability. This blog post will guide you through the details and pitfalls of topic-leveled log retention configuration and effective cleanup policies in Apache Kafka.

Announcing CloudKarafka on Azure Marketplace

We're happy to announce that CloudKarafka is now available on the Azure Marketplace! Our integration with Azure allows you to easily create your own dedicated cluster in any of Azure's regions, making it even easier to manage and deploy Kafka clusters for your applications.

CloudKarafka attended PyCon in Florence

PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the Python programming language and is the largest event of its kind in the world. What better place is there to connect with like-minded people?

Exhibiting at Voxxed Days Brussels

CloudKarafka attended Voxxed days Brussels for a one day intense knowledge sharing session with attendees from a wide range of industries.

Encrypted vs Plaintext Connections

Discover the disparities between encrypted and plaintext connections and determine which one to use in specific scenarios.

Zookeeper and Kafka: story of a friendship

Learn about the evolving Kafka ecosystem and the diminishing role of ZooKeeper in this article. What does the future hold for ZooKeeper in the Kafka ecosystem?

CloudKarafka available on AWS Marketplace

CloudKarafka, is excited to announce that our service now is available through the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace.